Wednesday, 25 May 2011

52 days, under 8 weeks.. training about to get real ;)

As my regular reader(s) will know the sponsored walk is now just under 8 weeks, and the money is still only trickling in, but at least its coming :)

I am not planning on walking home today, mostly due to fact we are doing a team, North Downs walk on Saturday morning, early. Walking from Dorking, to Boxhill then onto Caterham, all in all about 25k walk this weekend. Should give good indicator on our team speed/pace etc. Also as we're starting the team event on Friday night, is probably first time we've all been as a group outside the office, so again be good to see how we cope with each other over a longer period (including our overnight stay in the hostel in Dorking).

What else, oh yeh bought some more socks today from Millets, 2 for 1 offer always on look out for bargain me :) also our team tshirts are being designed as i speak, hopefully be able to get a picture of them up when they are made.

Will be tracking my walk this weekend on Runtastic so people can see how we did (as long as battery dont fail on me) :)

Anyways, time to end this with the obligatory link to the sponsor page :)


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